A review by hrh_victoria
Know Your Value: Women, Money, and Getting What You're Worth by Mika Brzezinski


My grandma gave me this book for Christmas! I didn't think much of it at first, but this week I looked at it and thought "actually, this could be exactly the information I need." So I read it.

It was a quick, fairly easy read. Though it was repetitive at times and touched on a few topics I (fortunately) haven't had to deal with yet, I now feel better prepared to negotiate for a higher salary or promotion.

I wish I would have read this years ago, when I spent three years insisting to a group of male superiors that my successors and I deserved pay equal or greater than that of our predecessors. (This was after Obamacare left university administration blaming politics for their inability to pay student workers anything without breaking the bank.) After bringing this up at every meeting--timidly, at first, then with all the confidence and data of one whose value was proven after numerous awards and successful projects, I finally started getting paid. Even if the resolution was only decided after one of my supervisors acted as though the solution was all his idea--not an avenue I'd pointed out months before. (True story--You can't make this up.) And I only got to see one year of that money before leaving the organization, but at least I was able to pass on my wisdom to my female successor. I told her, "If they don't pay you what you want, quit." If the organization dies because the superiors don't see the value in it, it's their loss.

This book includes valuable negotiation tactics for woman who have to work from a carefully constructed strong feminine brand to show their value to both male and female superiors. The book pushes its own brand pretty hard, but that's kind of the point, so I can't fault it for that!