A review by mbenzz
Half Way Home by Hugh Howey


After reading and LOVING the Wool series, I decided to see what else Mr. Howey had to offer. I wasn't sure about this book since it's so far out of the realm of what I normally read, but if I could love wool, I figured I might be able to love this. Well, I did. A lot.

I won't go into great detail since the are so many other reviews here, but this incredibly vivid story of a bunch of teenagers born 15 years too soon on a completely unknown planet is absolutely captivating. The personality clashes and discovering what exactly their new world has to offer right along with Porter, Tarsi and the rest of the runaways was very exciting.

Even though Mr. Howey does an excellent job with his descriptions, I was having a little trouble visualizing this planet. The tree tunnels, in particular, were hard for me to imagine, as was the incredibly massive scale of the trees themselves. Oh, and the surprise they come across in the mine. That was also so foreign to me that I had trouble picturing it (even though Mr. Howey CLEARLY conveys how incredibly terrifying it was. Glad I read that part right before going to sleep). I would love to see artist renderings of exactly what is going on in Hugh Howey's mind when he's picturing these places...

Anyway, I absolutely recommend this book! This guy is an amazingly talented storyteller, and I've been recommending him to pretty much anyone who will listen. Read this book, and when you're done, if you haven't already, READ WOOL!!