A review by raven88
Misery Bay by Steve Hamilton


Having waited (almost) patiently for four years for the next instalment of the Alex McKnight series I tucked myself up for an evening in front of the fire and immersed myself in this tale of wintry despair, suicide and murder.

What never fails to disappoint with Hamilton's writing is his depiction of place and atmosphere. As a reader you are transported to the snowy bleakness of the shores of Lake Superior or the warm confines of McKnight's watering hole the Glasgow Inn and you feel that you are really getting the authenticity of each location.

Likewise you never have to take `leaps of faith' as in Hamilton's drawing of characters or plot-line, you really believe that people can act in the way they do for whatever reason. McKnight's formerly frosty relationship with police chief Roy Maven reaches a new level of grudging mutual respect as they find themselves drawn into this convoluted investigation and it's a joy to behold.

The plot-line is exceptionally well-executed and the story twists and turns keeping the reader on the back foot as our intrepid duo seek to unveil a killer targeting law enforcement officers and their families.

If you have not read Hamilton yet I would heartily recommend him- you will not be disappointed.