A review by torts
The Ill-Made Mute by Cecilia Dart-Thornton


The writing could be a bit tedious at times, but it was overall a pretty interesting read. I enjoyed the seelie/unseelie folklore-inspired things, but for some reason found the air-ships and whatnot to be kind of irritating. Also, the last sentence bugged me. I felt like it kind of undermined the characterization of the protagonist...and I realize that it was kind of inevitable but the ending still kind of disappointed me.
I can see why this book was praised as the new Lord of the Rings-type saga. But I never really liked [b:The Lord of the Rings|34|The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, Part 1)|J.R.R. Tolkien|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1156043001s/34.jpg|3204327] (couldn't even finish The Fellowship of the Ring...kind of like how I couldn't get very far in this book the first time I tried to read it....hmm).

Also, what's up with the heavy-handed vegetarianism?