A review by kate66
Just Ignore Him by Alan Davies


I'm sure I'm not alone in spending most of my time whilst reading this book trying not to cry. All I could think was you poor man, you poor poor man. You look at the man on the TV and see a confident, successful, grounded individual and having read this book I see all that bravado came at a great cost. I felt so sorry for the little boy who never got to grieve for his mother. I feel sorry for the child who thought so little of himself he craved any kind of attention. I felt sorry for the man he grew into who has managed to show an exterior of normality when his whole life has been tainted by his father's abuse. This book moved me to tears and the only saving graces were that he has made a success of his career, has a family who he loves and who love him and he finally got some form of validation from the authorities. I hope that writing this has given Alan Davies some form of peace because he truly deserves it. A wonderful but harrowing book I'd highly recommend.