A review by shaykay
Anna K: Away by Jenny Lee


This one follows the same set of main characters as they try to survive their summers. Anna had a very traumatic summer and was not only trying to recover from losing someone really close to her but she was also trying to figure out who she is while being grounded, or at least their version of grounded. I still loved Anna's story the most and struggled with Dustin and Kimmie's section. In this book, I even didn't really care for Steven and Lolly's story either. I think this book could've stood on just Anna's shoulders alone, but I really love Bea's story in this one. I think Bea was honestly my favorite and had the most fun with, in this book. I did go into this one kind of hesitantly because of how the last one ended and to be honest when I was entering the page count into Bookly I saw Anna's letter and I thought that maybe, just maybe, the death from the first book was fake and he was still alive but that's not happening. I just feel like that would be something that could be pulled off in this book. I think these books are just fast and for the most part fun reads. I really love watching Anna's story unfold and I don't know if there is going to be any more in this story or if I will pick them up going forward. I like Anna's story but I liked it more in the first book. I love that she is finally standing on her own in this one but it still had its issues and I miss her love interest from the first book but at the same time, I'm glad that she just didn't jump into a new love interest in this one. We'll see what I think if there is any more that comes out in this world.