A review by zealous_bibliophile
The Redemption of Callie & Kayden by Jessica Sorensen


I raced through the beginning of this book because it was just too heart wrenching, but the story come together nicely. My only real gripe with the story is the author keeps pressing that it is too late for Callie to take any legal action, and in most states when a minor is raped/assaulted they have a considerable period of time after reaching the age of majority (aka turning 18) before the statute of limitations (how long after something happens you have to file a civil claim or for someone to be charged with criminal charges) begins to run against their attacker. In some states that clock doesn't begin to run until after the person has turned 18 and after they realize that the rape impacted them, meaning you could be 50 and be like oh yeah that thing that happened to me when I was 13, that was bad and get help from the police. I think this is important to note because I don't want people who are in a similar situation as Callie to think that they don't have a legal recourse against their attacker because it happened when they were a kid an a lot of time has passed. If you want to report an attack find someone who is receptive, because not everyone handles these things well, and report it.