A review by rfwads
Miracle Cure by Harlan Coben


Has a cure for AIDS been found? Several patients at the Sidney Pavillion clinic are testing negative to a virus they once tested positive for. Dr. Bruce Grey and Dr. Harvey Riker, the clinic's doctors, are ecstatic. They want to release their findings to the public, in hopes of getting more funding, however, "fate" has other plans. As they start planning to release results, Dr. Bruce Grey commits suicide, and patients of the clinic are being murdered. Are the killings happening because the victims were gay? Were they random kills? Or does it have something to do with the clinic?

Meanwhile, Michael Silverman, a basketball player for the Knicks, is complaining of stomach pains. Sara, a TV journalist, and wife of Michael ask Dr. Harvey Ricker to check up on Michael. After running tests, it becomes clear that Michael has AIDS and immediately becomes a patient of the clinic. Before he can start treatment, Michael is kidnapped. Is this the work of the killer? Or is someone else behind the kidnapping? A lot of people are against the clinic, including some very powerful people, could they be behind the killings and kidnapping?

3.5 stars...but since Goodreads doesn't do half stars, I'm going to round to four!! I actually really liked this book. It was well written and I was shocked to find out that this book was one of Harlan Coben's first books he ever wrote. I found Sara, Michael, and Max to be very likable and would love to read more stories on them!! I also was shocked by the ending. Harlan did a great job of throwing curveballs at the readers, that I didn't see the ending turning out as it did. Overall I really liked the book. The only reason that I rated it a 3.5 was because it wasn't his best work and it wasn't an OMG I have to tell everyone about this book. I would still highly recommend it to Harlan Coben fans!! :)