A review by reader4evr
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry


This book actually lived up to the talk that I heard about it! I loved a lot of things about this book especially the alternating chapters between the main characters Echo and Noah, each character was unique and the dialogue was raw.

I liked both Echo and Noah. They were both so opposite of each other but they worked at the same time when they finally decided to be together. There relationship was very real and I think a lot of teens could relate to either one of them. The romance was awesome and I wish every guy was like that even though he was pegged as the "bad" guy.

I liked how this book had a little bit of a mystery with finding out information about Noah's brothers and Echo's scars. When that information was revealed, I was just shocked but at the same time I wasn't surprised at the same time. Overall I thought the author did a good job with doing a some what edgy book but handling it in a great way. In the end, I'm glad both of the stories ended not like I predicted.

I can say that there are only two things that I didn't like about this book. One was the swearing. I'm usually ok with it but with this book, it was kind of excessive. I know teens swear, etc etc but I don't know. Another thing I didn't like about this book was the length of the book. Wow, it was long and I believe there were parts that were drawn out and maybe not necessary.

Fans of Simone Elkele's Perfect Chemistry series will love this book! It was hard not to compare this book with that but that is what I thought about throughout.