A review by bodebeabay
Hold Me by Dima Zales, Anna Zaires


[b:Hold Me|23277022|Hold Me (Twist Me, #3)|Anna Zaires|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1456551452s/23277022.jpg|42815909] (Twist Me, #3) by [a:Anna Zaires|6550220|Anna Zaires|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1379210125p2/6550220.jpg] is a Dark Erotic Romance, Suspense/Mystery, Action/Adventure. Superbly written. One of those books you stay up into the wee hours of the night (morning) because you just can not stop reading.
Gripping and addicting. Dangerous and Dark. Erotic and Suspenseful. Mysterious and Romantic. All the elements that make a book so much MORE than just a story.
Quote from book,
"Treasure it. Don't let your fears spoil it for you. Don't let your soul get tarnished by what you can't change."
A perfect ending to the Twist Me series. I can not stress how much I truly loved this story. It had me hanging on the edge. Dangling off a cliff.
Absolutely worth every lost hour of sleep, every dollar spent, every minute of my life reading it.
I give Ms. Anna Zaires a standing ovation! Bravo! Ms. Zaires!! Bravo!!