A review by teriboop
In the Company of Others by Jan Karon


The second story in Jan Karon's Father Tim series, In the Company of Others, centers around the family running a quaint Irish fishing lodge near Tim's ancestral home of Sligo, Ireland. On this trip, Tim brings Cynthia and they intend to research his family's heritage, but he finds himself in the middle of another family's past and much tangled present. With Cynthia stuck at the lodge with an injury, Fr. Tim finds himself doing what he does best, mending the broken-hearted and showing them the path to peace.

Overall, I enjoyed this story, but it seemed rather discombobulated and disjointed. It may be because I was reading an ereader version. There were many times where the scene would shift between paragraphs but no distinct break was made. One paragraph Tim would be talking to the lodge owner, the next he's talking to Cynthia and you don't know how/when he left the room and entered another. If there was a visual break in the print (i.e., extra spaces between paragraphs, line break, etc.), it would have made all the difference to the ease of reading and understanding the scene shifts. About 2/3rds through, though, I felt like I was back in the Mitford mindset. I love Karon's writing and her comfy, cozy stories with a message that resounds to all who read her books.