A review by a_j_torres0
Frozen Tides by Morgan Rhodes


This is a Young Adult Epic Fantasy novel Book 4.

Book Cover: 5* - I don't think I'm ever going to hate these covers. This time we have Princess Lucia on the cover showing off her magic before a snowy background. I'm sure that is supposed to be Castle Damora in Limeros, but I do feel it could've been a little bit better I think, but I like it.

Summary/Tagline: 2* - I was sadly, indifferent reading the entire summary of this book. Not to mention I also had a few eye rolling moments reading Gaius's part and Lucia's.

Characters: 2.5* - The chapter titles are still character names, which makes looking forward to specific chapters easier and unbearable lol. There are a total of 6 POVs this time and almost everyone is about equal length.
Prince Magnus Damora/7 POV Chapters - Hmm, I don't know what the heck was going on with my fave bae, lol I couldn't help myself. Anyway, He starts out stating that he is the son of Gaius and needs to start acting like it, even though book 2 and book 3 his father is a terrible person and needs to be stopped. He's gone into drunken stupors when he's feeling depressed, throws up his sass mouth when getting defensive more often, and he's gotten so oddly paranoid that everyone is going to kill him, which, in his defense, yeah kind of lol. Not to mention I GUESS a romance has been finalized, with a Princess, take your guess at who because I will stand my ground and say the romance is the weakest aspects of this entire series.
Jonas Agallon/6 POV Chapters - I've returned to being indifferent with this character. He still frustrates me at times, but I won't care one way or another if anything happens to him. Some of his later chapters did have surprising moments though so I will give him that.
Princess Cleiona Bellos/7 POV Chapters - Many times I want to punch her in the face. I really do. She's come to learn who Magnus really is as a person, how he is nothing like his father, but as soon as Magnus opens his sass mouth to be defensive, "Oh! You're the worst! You're just like your father!" And then comes around towards the end, after complaining why Magnus won't trust her after stating numerous times before you want him dead and constantly go behind his back to scheme for his, his father's, AND Lucia's demise. Ugh, also don't get me started on her "love" logic.
Princess Lucia Damora/6POV Chapters - So, her chapters were a thing. I'm not saying they were terrible, they just seem to only show how much of a out of control man child her new companion is. She had some surprising stuff in her chapters though like Jonas, so, there's that.
Felix/4 POV Chapters - I didn't like this character much in book 3 and I still don't care for him now. I feel bad for him, yeah, but other than that, that's it. His POV did bring in some interesting looks on Gaius and Amara, but again, that's it.
Amara/4 POV Chapters - I mean, what can I say about her except, I feel a little bad for her for who her father is, but she doesn't trust anyone who has a penis. She will happily sleep with a guy when in the mood, but I don't care for this character either. I guess her and Felix belong together lol.
A couple of other characters frustrated me as usual and many I feel indifferent for. The amount of Magnus hate in this book makes me want to strangle characters as I feel their hatred is going towards the wrong character, but hey, apparently Magnus IS Gaius in their opinions. The a*******.

World Building: 2.5* - Egh, I feel about the same now. The elemental magic seems to just come from within and can exhaust the person, but some are better than others and can come easily to few. I do know the "immortal" Watchers can do more than the mortals can when it comes to magic but I'm not holding out hope for explanation on the magic system in this series anymore. We also get an introduction to a new country, Arabian like I think, but belittles women like there is no tomorrow. They aren't taken seriously AND they are underestimated. Huh, sounds like book 1 for a bit there lol.

Story: 3* - Ok, so this is 3 stars because of the oddly enough, surprising moments in this book. I can't go over it because of spoilers but a main character does die which took me by surprise. However, I guess characters can't die no matter how far they've fallen and regardless of where they get stabbed. Trust me, I got to the end of the book and yelled out, "OH GO F*** YOURSELF!" And threw the book at my bed lol. Hey, I finally threw a book! :D

Over All: 3* - I don't care for the romance, I don't care for most of the characters, and the world building is just okay for me. I did like the many surprising moments in this book and I will continue to read the series for Magnus. That plus I have the other 2 books with me so I might as well lol.