A review by ameserole
This Rebel Heart by Katherine Locke


I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This Rebel Heart was a very interesting read. From the very beginning, I was completely hooked with the characters and the overall story. In it, you will meet Csilla. She is a young Jewish woman living in Hungary during the revolution of 1956. Due to her parents' untimely death, they were executed by the government, she sets off on a unique path with the angel of death by her side.

Now I won't lie. There were some parts of this book that broke my heart and others that gave me joy. The characters and what they go through was definitely a page turner for me. I seriously enjoyed meeting each and every one of them. Then there's the journey that they went on and it was definitely emotional and magical. Even if I was confused as to why certain things did happen throughout it.

In the end, I definitely enjoyed the heck out of this. I feel like I learned something new and fell in love with the representation of the characters. The ending also made me an emotional mess but in a good way. I'll definitely be on the lookout for Katherine's next book!