A review by whatyoutolkienabout
Bite Risk by S.J. Wills


I was given an advanced reader copy to review for by Simon and Schuster and NetGalley. My reviews are always honest and all opinions are my own. #BiteRisk #SJWills #SimonAndSchuster #Horror #90sNostalgia #BookReview #gifted #ad #NetGalley
I grew up reading things like Point Horror, Fear Street and Goosebumps and while I have gone on into the horror genre I still like to return to the young adult and middle grade adventures for some ‘light hearted’ reading. When I heard about Bite Risk being a new middle grade horror and that it contained Werewolves I knew I was going to enjoy it, and I was right!

Thirteen Year old Sel lives in a remote and isolated town where nothing seems to happen. Well other than one night a month, when the full moon rises, kids like him must lock up their parents as they transform into werewolves or Rippers as the town of Tremorgladers like to call them. Although this is the new world’s normal since the Disruption changed everything, even before Sel was born.

But the boring town begins to get a bit more interesting as strange things start to happen like drowns emitting sickening sounds and people behaving oddly and Sel and his friend’s begin to question what is really going on in their town. No sooner do they start investigating do Rippers begin esecaping their confinement nights, people star disappearing and the kids begin to suspect they’re being followed. Perhaps there is a reason that Tremorglade seems to be so boring but no one ever leaves. And of course it is up to Sel and his friends to figure out the truth, the truth that someone doesn’t want them to know before the next full moon puts them all at bite risk.

What a fun read this was! Not only did it give a taste of nostalgia it was also well written and kept me engaged throughout. The characters are all well developed and fleshed out and I adored the premises of the world’s adult population wolfing out as it were once a month! As a werewolf fan it was all I could ask for! Despite being a middle grade book it’s full of twists, turns and some action as well.

I really liked the introduction of ‘ailments’ people suffer as well as the werewolf, such as the frozen fever. While this is obviously speculative it was written in such a way that it was easy to see this being real and really happening. It was almost scary how believable it is. Not only the elements of werewolves but the idea of monitoring – again I dislike spoilers so that is all I will say. While this is middle grade it still has some gore and horror in there which was fantastic. It really is like a new generation of point horror but without a bit of a cheesiness of the nineties and with parents that actually do seem to care about their children.

Honestly I adore this one and think it will be a great introduction for a new generation of teen readers into horror. It’s fun, well written, fast paced and has a cast of believable characters. I cannot wait to read more by S.J Wills!


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