A review by theangrylawngnome
A Walk Among the Tombstones by Lawrence Block


Not a review, just a random thought...or two

Okay, okay..gotta admit the 4 star rating is how I remember this book being the first time I read it, not how it seemed a bit on the thin side as I did a re-read in anticipation of the movie coming out in September 2014. (Trailer here.) And said movie version looks like it is going to be radically different from the book...though how could it not be, with all the
tracing people via *gasp* pay phones, "hacking" via dial up modems, etc. in the novel. Though, curiously, the trailer does give off a bit of a early '90s vibe, possibly even earlier, see what the cars look like, etc.

Candidly, since I kinda, sorta remembered what was coming as it was coming, this is not the sort of novel that stands up to a re-read, unlike some of the other books in the Scudder series, notably [b:When the Sacred Ginmill Closes|132111|When the Sacred Ginmill Closes (Matthew Scudder, #6)|Lawrence Block|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348617791s/132111.jpg|1203196].

Funny how I like the Scudder novels and the Keller novels but cordially loathe the Bernie Rodenhbarr (sp?) books. Wonder what that says about me?

Finally, will this be the "three strike and you're out" moment for novels into movies by L. Block? Two previous, one awful, one mediocre, both box office bombs. We shall see.

Like I said...not a review.