A review by melissa_who_reads
A Blunt Instrument by Georgette Heyer


Didn't want a mystery with guns in it this week. Also, nothing too violent.

Ernie Fletcher is murdered - sitting at the desk in his study, his head is bashed in. The investigators can't find the blunt instrument used in the crime. Turns out, most people found Ernie a charming man, but he was known to be "one for the ladies." For instance, he's been attempting to blackmail one of the neighbor's into sleeping with him - and she has no desire to cheat on her husband, so she's in a bind. In today's world, he reads like a most unpleasant type, and even given the standards of the time, one has a hard time feeling regretful he was murdered. No one grieves overmuch.

A bible-thumping constable, a nephew with no money and a casual take on the world, as well as a second murder enliven the tale.