A review by foksha_1996
No Ordinary Star by M.C. Frank


*The author of this book sent me this paperback copy in exchange for an honest review, so don’t expect anything less than that. I will always give an honest review, be it a positive one or a negative one.*

I feel like this entire book was just an intro for the rest of the series. A super. Long. Dragged out. Intro. The conflict was introduced but nothing ever really happened with it.

I wanted to like this book.... actually I wanted to love it, but I didn't. I had a very hard time getting through this novel. I even had to take a break from it completely, and I only kept reading because of the encouragement from others that had read it, insisting that it would get better. It didn't get a whole lot better for me.

I guess my biggest problem was that I was bored for most of the novel. I was bored with the story, the characters.... everything. And it was so confusing, I kept reading until chapter 5 and then I had to take a break, NOTHING MADE SENSE. Also too much details about the world, and less dialogue. the same problem with the characters, I didn't know enough about the characters and the life they were living to really care about them. It felt like a very long prologue to another story.

This had an intriguing plot but lacked a little uniqueness, for me. I am interested in continuing on with the series but my expectations and excitement have, unfortunately, waned a little. I already have book 2 and hopefully it's better! :)