A review by actuallyahorsereads
The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson


I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I felt as though the world building in it was incredible, building off the end of the original Mistborn trilogy in an intriguing and logical way.

I’ve likened this “trilogy of trilogies” a lot to the Avatar/Legend of Korra television series, even before I read the books, and after reading them, I still claim that as a rather apt comparison.

I think where this book suffered, however, was in its character development. Which, given how dynamic and explosive Sanderson’s character development usually is (even in the first book of a series), this one was a disappointment. The characters stayed mostly true to who they were and didn’t feel as though they underwent anything massively life changing. Even the big reveal at the end of the book with who Mr. Suit turned out to be was predictable.

That said, I did enjoy this book quite a bit and am definitely looking forward to reading the rest of the series. I have heard that this book is the weakest of the series, and I am very intrigued to find out where this journey goes next.