A review by destynnee
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by Sam Hall


A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
by Sam Hall
408 pages
Currently on Kindle Unlimited, in the US.
5/5 stars

Romance, Werewolf, Shifter, Paranormal, Fantasy, Futuristic, Happily Ever After, Second Chance Love, Friends to Lovers,

Possible Trigger/Content Warnings:
Mention of death of a parent, fertility issues, mental heath discussion, rutting, knots, no condom usage, videoing of a woman shifting into a wolf without her consent, public sex {in a closed off room}, teenage making out, biting, blood, fmmmmm, sex with multiple partners that are related, lots of sex and cum, reverse harem, medical discussions, blood draws.

THIS IS A ARC REVIEW, and may have spoilers.

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, by Sam Hall, centers around Riley Taylor, and the 5 sons of the Alpha pack, Ryan, Fen, Haze, Colt, and Blaze Vanguards. Riley, and the 5 boys were best friends from childhood. If you saw one, you would find the other close by. Sadly, Riley did not show to be a Omega, she was a Beta. Due to this, she would not be allowed to make a pack with her best friends. People, whom she felt the safest with. People, whom she dreamt of, and who dreamt of her.

Sam does a wonderful job, moving you along in the story. It never seemed like something was there, just to be there, it meant something. You felt the heart ache, when Riley was ripped away from the pack at the start of the book. You could feel the soul crushing need and disappear that Riley and the pack later speak about to each other.

While this book does have a LOT of sex, and a lot of talking about sex and how Beta's, Alpha's and Omega's do things the sex was never gratuitous. Which, I know seems odd for a romance wolf shifter book. But, it is true. I have read a lot of romance, erotica, straight up sex and no plot, kind of books.. And the sex scenes, while explicit in this book, were all used to help push the story, and were parts of how a pack becomes a pack in this world.

As a Beta, Riley is sent off, she gets to go to college, get a degree, live a life for seven years without the Vanguard boys/men being in her life. Riley was never fully happy though. She, was missing that part of that laid so close under the surface, that she could almost touch it. Because of this, she wanted to help others like herself.

This is how the Vanguards come back into her life. No matter what Omega was given to them, they did not match. Their wolves, their souls did not connect. The way that Sam wrote about this, in describing how each one of the five looked paler, sunken eyes, lost.. It tugged on your heart. It made you want to turn the page and see if things got better.

And, I am going to leave it there. Because, if I do not, I am going to spoil the whole thing. ;-)

But, y'all, Sam's ability to make you see, smell, and feel what their characters are going through is phenomenal. I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars, and if the site allowed more I would give it. I highly suggest giving this book a read, along with checking out their other works as well.
- Destynnee