A review by paginasdealex
The Chaos of Longing by K.Y. Robinson


This collection has made me re-think my concept of poetry.

Since starting I got captivated by the ideas and feelings captured here, but yet after I finished I found myself lost at words. I can't remember a single poem, and there's not one thing that truly resonated with me.

While some of them are incredible and heartfelt, other poems read to me like just a scramble of words. Like a regular sentence or one of those 6am pre-coffee thoughts one put under the instagram caption of the starbucks cup... cutesy but not really poetical.

I really liked this collection but I can't say I loved it, it just wasn't the right one for me.

Would I recommend it, tho? Of course, for poetry tells a different story to each who reads it, and this might be the book for you.