A review by let_therebebooks
Four Weeks, Five People by Jennifer Yu


Wow, is this really over?!

I ADORED this book. The characters were funny and relatable, the subject matter was important, and the story line was emotional. I laughed out loud at the banter and teared up near the end. The ending was well, but I wanted more! I fell in love with each of the characters and their mental illness, and just wanted to know how their lives continued after camp ended.

Each character is dealing with a different mental illness. One has anorexia (a male), one has Narcissist Personality Disorder, one has OCD, one has manic depression, and the other has depression and honestly, probably some PTSD. As someone who suffers from depression myself, I thought Jennifer Yu did a very good job representing and writing about depression and mental illness. This book easily made it's way into my heart and became one of my favorites of the year. These characters should be protected at all costs honestly.

Also - I loved how one of the character's POV was written as a movie script.. how cool!

"... and how she hopes we always remember that emotional health is something maintained, not simply won."

"You start Prozac. You go to wilderness therapy camp. You try to fall in love, and then you try to fall out of love. And you wait. You wait and you wait and you wait for the second when these things all come together in a flurry of sparks and sunlight and you magically transform into a happy, well-adjusted person who goes to school and has friends and doesn't spend half her days lying in bed trying to remember today's excuse to keep living. You wait so much that you forget that there are things that used to make you happy, that there are kinds of love that make you a better person, that life is worth living even if it really, really sucks."
