A review by justenjoy
The Last Changeling by Chelsea Pitcher


I'm quite disappointed with how this book turned out. The summary is more entertaining than this book was as a whole. I couldn't relate to any of the characters, there was no connection whatsoever. The book didn't impress me at all. The raw need that Elora has to save her people wasn't displayed enough for me. Honestly, I couldn't care less for that. The switching point of views were a nice break in the story, but if it weren't for the names at the beginning of each chapter I wouldn't have known who was who as both characters had the same voice and there wasn't much distinction in them. There was so much potential with the Faerie world and the powers that Elora supposedly possesses, but we only got a little glimpse of it. The last 10% made from this one star book a two star one, but in general it was a letdown.