A review by brief_n_bold_book_reviews
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Pérez


I can see how the title alone is going to get some people off guard and defensive before they have even read a page.  Instead, this book is more about the unconscious bias of women, and therefore a title reflecting this maybe less construed as misandristic.  In saying that, it was a well researched, enlightening read.  We all aware of the blatant acts of sexism but Invisible Women highlights areas which personally I was ignorant of.  And to be clear, these are not to due misogyny, as Caroline Cried Perez points out, it is a genuine lack of awareness of the difference between men and women.   Finally, Invisible Women was published in 2019, it is now 2024 and I do feel there has been significant improvements in the knowledge of conscious and unconscious bias over the years, but there is always more to be done!