A review by cjbookjunkie
The Persian Gamble by Joel C. Rosenberg


What would happen if Russia, North Korea, and Iran formed an alliance?

Given our current geo-political climate, the timeliness of this book is unsettling and too plausible for comfort. I hope everyone that reads this book takes the threat set forth in the plot seriously. The Persian Gamble has overtaken a couple of Rosenberg’s other books as my new favorite. I stayed up until 1:00 a.m. to finish it because I didn’t want to put it down.

Marcus Ryker returns at the exact point he left us at the end of The Kremlin Conspiracy, the first book in this series, parachuting from a jetliner moments before it is shot down by the Russian military. With him is the Russian double agent turned assassin who is THE one man with all of the information and contacts to stop an attack on the US. There is plenty of action in the story as Ryker tries to get the Russian and himself safely out of Russia and to the US. The question is whether the US leaders believe his story that the threat of nuclear attack is both real and imminent? Or, will they label him as a traitor?

Personal, professional, and national loyalties are questioned and tested. Risks are taken, and the true cost of living in a free nation is shown us through the sacrifices of our nation’s military heroes. The story moves across Russia, North Korea, Iran, and the U.S. as secret alliances are revealed and Ryker risks everything to save his country.

If you did not read the first book in the series, The Kremlin Conspiracy, the author gives you enough information at the beginning of this book to understand the previous story. I hope to see more books in this series as Mr. Rosenberg has set up Marcus Ryker to be a protagonist whose own losses and struggles are interwoven through the story and look to become as interesting as the stories themselves.

Thank you to NetGalley and Tyndale House Publishers for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.