A review by robsonjv
Warrior: Frank Sturgis---The CIA's #1 Assassin-Spy, Who Nearly Killed Castro but Was Ambushed by Watergate by Jim Hunt


Crazy book. Not so much written as dictated by a couple of guys as if they were telling you this yarn over a couple of beers. Repetitive, poorly researched, biased, chock full of factual errors...and fascinating. Doubt Sturgis was ever the CIA's #1 anything, but he led a heck of a life. And he apparently did have access to a lot of important people. Despite the writing you have to wade through, it is amazing to read just how much 20th Century history this guy was associated with. A testament to a species of "action" men who seem to have passed from the scene. It's sad, in the same way that it's sad that we no longer are capable of launching our own astronauts into orbit, and that we can no longer buy Lawn Darts, or carry handguns (or nail scissors) onto airplanes. We have lost something in the process even if, in the big picture, we're better off for it.