A review by rose_dreamer_
I Live a Life Like Yours: A Memoir by Jan Grue


This is a book that everyone should read. The subject matter is important; the author Jan Grue has a unique perspective as a person with physical disabilities coupled with an extensive academic background, including with advocating for people with disabilities. This is possibly the most important book I've read this year. I cannot stress how much his perspective needs to be seen. This is also a powerful study on grief that I can relate strongly to.

I have one caveat. As a parent of twins with intellectual disabilities as well as physical disabilities, I couldn't help but pick on up the author's desire to not be thrown into the same category as people like my children. Yes, he is incredibly intelligent, driven, passionate and threw his whole being into life. I can't help but feel that it was to distinguish himself from people who cannot achieve so much academically from no fault of their own.

That being said, this is his story. While I am affected by my own journey, my children's journey and the perspective this gives us, I cannot fault him for his own perspective and the desire to not be seen as mentally incapable.

I want to reiterate, this book is powerful. Please read it. Don't take my criticism as a reason not to read it. We are all humans, learning how to be humans and Jan Grue deftly communicates this in his memoir.