A review by vengefuldime
Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee


This is an example of “dropped-in” worldbuilding that at first I was overwhelmed by, but reading another time allowed a much better understanding. The world is really refreshingly unique (at least in what I have read so far), with math and calendrical systems being used in a functionally magical way. It felt new and interesting, challenging in a way that still had elements from other works I have liked. I enjoyed getting the feeling of slowly unspooling the setting and stakes. If felt attention-grabbing although it wasn’t necessarily action-filled. The political mind games and sense of larger motions behind the scenes was pulled off well, making gained knowledge fall easily into place without removing the intrigue. I love the details in the heretical messages, the moths, the servitors and their various shapes, and the signifiers. The additional sections of others, even if only very temporarily, helped make the world seem a bit bigger and the consequences of the actions more real. I am also glad that it kept its focus on the protagonist. I got attached to Cheris throughout the book, and the cliffhanger incites me to read the next very soon.