A review by lauriereadsrom1
The Earl's Christmas Pearl by Megan Frampton


"The Earl's Christmas Pearl" by Megan Frampton was a delightful Christmas romance. I found it to be a witty and charming story featuring endearing, well-developed main characters in Lady Pearl Howlett and Owen, the Earl of Llanover. Pearl, who finally had the opportunity to step out of the shadows cast by her four sisters, turned out to be very sweet and adventurous, with an excellent sense of humor. She did a wonderful job of coaxing Owen out of his grumpiness.

As for Owen, I loved how endearingly awkward he was in conversation. He tried so hard, but until he met Pearl, Owen could never quite figure out the right things to say. The banter between the two of them was quite amusing, and I thought it was really cute when they teased each other or made silly jokes and puns.

Overall, I loved this story and thought it was a great way to wrap up the Duke's Daughters series. I am very much looking forward to Ms. Frampton's next book!

*ARC provided by the publisher via Edelweiss. All opinions expressed are my own.