A review by ladyramakin
Food For Thought by Ariana Ferrante


Prior to this novella I had never heard of Limos, now I hunger for more.

Holding true to the sapphic longing prose found in Sappho's work this novella describes what happens when prosperity and starvation meet and find one another hungry for the other. While short this novella is like poetry in how lovely and impactful it's prose is, and it describes the desires of women who should not be able to want stunningly. My largest complaint with it is how short it is as it left me wanting more of the story between the two women, desiring more of a chance to see their love and wrath play out.

If you like sapphic/queer, mythology retelling with a touch of horror then this is for you. I am excited to see what else this author writes and read more of their work after this short foray into their work and the world they created for Limos.

I received and ARC of this book at no cost/for free, I am leaving this review voluntarily and all thoughts and opinions are wholly my own and unbiased.