A review by jennifermreads
Drizzle, Dreams, and Lovestruck Things by Maya Prasad


Actual rating: 2.5 stars
One Orcas Island inn that wins an award for “Most Romantic Inn” plus four sisters, four seasons, four romances. I hoped it would equal a light, fluffy read.

I picked up Drizzle, Dreams, and Lovestruck Things because its sequel, Wild Wishes and Windswept Kisses, crossed my radar. I was intrigued by the Washington island setting and the four sisters. I wanted it to be a book I would breeze through and race to get to the sequel.

Instead, I got a book that was, essentially, four novellas bound into a single volume. The novel desperately needed some tightening up and/or a main character tying all of the stories together with a single thread. I did not feel like sister Rani did enough in the other stories to warrant her being the “thread that binds.” And, while the Songbird Inn could be seen by some as that uniting factor, again, I did not feel it was strong enough to warrant MC status.

While I enjoyed the beginning and pieces throughout the entirety of the novel, in the last section, I found myself skimming “just to finish.” I’m not fond of the word “typical” but this did feel like the “typical” HEA romance. Yes, the Indian cultural aspects added some nuance and, yes, the sisters’ relationship with each other and their father was interesting, it just wasn’t unique enough nor did it offer any surprises.

It was good enough to finish but not exciting enough that I want to read the sequel that drew me to this volume in the first place.