A review by crownedaimee
Secrets Ever Green: The Everlight Series by Sara Knightly


This book had a lot of potential and was looking forward to reading it based off the synopsis but it just felt a little flat to me. 

Secrets Ever Green follows Ivy Rune who is on a quest to unravel her father's mysterious legacy when she discovers a hidden world that alters her destiny.

I think my main issue was the writing, it felt a lot more telling than showing what was going on and felt like it's more targeted towards middle grade fiction rather than young adult. Additionally, there are a lot of questions and I get its through Ivy's inner monologue but when it happens nearly every chapter, it starts to become repetitive. Also I don't understand why the Count had a randon pov towards the end, it felt out of place. It would've worked better if it was actually at the end of the book. 

I was also confused on what the whole situation was Nicholas. He was introduced then completely disappeared for the rest of the book. I didn't quite understand the point of introducing this character for it to not even go away. 

Another issue I had was I didn't feel like the plot was actually going anywhere until it got to the last couple of chapters and I was like finally, we're getting somewhere but then it ended. It felt as if it was more of a mystery then a fantasy book, whether that be something that is explored more for the second book, I'm not sure. I also felt like this book didn't have any conclusion, it just ended and rather sets the scene for the next book. If this book was longer than I think my rating would've be higher as it could've tied up any loose ends. 

I'm still torn on whether I will read the second book or not, my interest is there and I am intrigued to see where the story continues but at the moment, I'm not itching to get my hands on it.   

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.