A review by danielgwood
Rosalind Franklin by Brenda Maddox


A thoroughly enjoyable read about a scientist I was only vaguely aware of beforehand. Brings home that Franklin was an excellent and renowned scientist even without her major contributions to the cracking of DNA.

A balanced and level-headed look at the relationship between Franklin, Watson and Crick also, which was a lot more complicated than it has been portrayed by some. Watson and Crick based their discovery on Franklin's hard work (as well as many other scientists), obtained her data without her knowledge, and subsequently got all the credit. However, both helped her in her career afterwards, and Crick in particular seems to have become a friend. While it doesn't excuse her omission from the history books, or their early behaviour towards her (and Watson's later book), it is fair to say it was a bit more complicated than that.

Easy-reading throughout, and a well-rounded portrayal of an intrepid traveler, great scientist and lively person. Would recommend.