A review by davidjordan
Rings of Fire: Walking in Faith Through a Volcanic Future by Leonard Sweet


Leonard Sweet: theologian, public intellectual, and futurist, shares with readers his 25 different "Rings of Fire" which could be cataclysmic for the church in a volcanic 21st century culture. Be prepared to discover more than you ever imagined you would find in a single volume about China, world religions, divisive political culture, sexuality, genders & gendering, race relations, ecology, genetic engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence, informational technology, nanotechnology, hell, heaven, and many more topics!

This book reads a little bit like an encyclopedia of potential future disasters. Every chapter is filled with surprisingly informative explanations of topics the reader may only vaguely familiar with. The information isn't exhaustive, by any means, but it's comprehensive enough to inspire grave concern for the future of the church as we currently understand it. I dare say the vast majority of well-intentioned and devout followers of Christ are not adequately prepared for the volcanic upheavals of the near future described in this eye-opening volume, upheaval which have the potential to spectacularly disrupt the church as we currently know it.

Rarely have I encountered a book which taught me so much and gave me so many things to ponder. I'm reminded of the 80s hit, "The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades" by Timbuk3. Only this time, the idea is more like the future is explosively volatile, I've gotta examine everything I thought I knew about being the church of Jesus Christ in a rapidly changing culture.

Thank you to Netgalley.com and NavPress for the electronic advance review copy.