A review by butterflymilkweed
The Fate of the Tearling by Erika Johansen


In the closing act of her trilogy, "The Fate of the Tearling," Erika Johansen presents a tapestry of intrigue and resolution that satisfies while subverting expectations. This final installment plunges readers into the depths of Kelsea Glynn's trials as she grapples with the complexities of ruling a realm torn by conflict.

Kelsea, our resilient protagonist, is further tested as she navigates the turbulent waters of politics and war. Johansen continues to peel back the layers of Kelsea's character, revealing vulnerabilities and strengths in equal measure. As Kelsea confronts the shadows of her own past and the weight of her destiny, she emerges as a fully realized and compelling figure.

The supporting cast, including the enigmatic Pen, whose cunning and resourcefulness add layers of intrigue to the narrative, and the steadfast Mace, whose loyalty to Kelsea is unwavering, each play pivotal roles in the unfolding drama. Johansen deftly explores their motivations and loyalties, adding depth and complexity to the narrative. Their interactions with Kelsea are fraught with tension and intrigue, keeping readers guessing until the final page.

At its core, "The Fate of the Tearling" is a meditation on the nature of destiny and choice. Johansen skillfully weaves together themes of fate and free will, challenging readers to consider the implications of their own actions. As Kelsea grapples with the consequences of her decisions, the novel poses thought-provoking questions about power, responsibility, and the nature of leadership.

Johansen's world-building remains a highlight of the series, with vivid descriptions and richly imagined settings that transport readers to the heart of the Tearling. From the bustling streets of the Mort to the ancient forests of the Tear, the world is alive with detail and atmosphere, providing a rich backdrop for the unfolding drama.

While the pacing may falter at times, particularly in the middle sections of the book, the strength of Johansen's storytelling ultimately carries the reader through. As the novel hurtles towards its epic conclusion, the stakes are higher than ever, and the emotional payoff is equally powerful.

In conclusion, "The Fate of the Tearling" is a fitting end to Erika Johansen's trilogy, offering a satisfying and thought-provoking conclusion to Kelsea's journey. With its compelling characters, intricate world-building, and gripping narrative, it is a worthy finale that will leave readers eager to revisit the Tearling time and time again. It's unfortunate that plans for a movie adaptation were cancelled, as the richly imagined world of the Tearling would have been captivating on the big screen.