A review by moodreaderhan
You Should Be So Lucky by Cat Sebastian


5.0 ~Milkshake Dates, Dog Walks and Phone Calls~ Stars

Thank you NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for the arc in exchange for an honest review!

This is my formal request for more soft, cozy, heart-touching, slow and beautiful baseball romances. I say that, but truly this is more than just a romance. This is a story of grief and hope. It is about life and how peculiar of a thing it is. It is about how even as the world keeps moving on, it is nice to just stop and be still with someone.

Sometimes, with being a mood reader, the time and place you are at or in can affect the book and experience. The stars aligned with my first Cat Sebastian read, and it was the perfect time, place and book! The historical elements to the 1960s were absolutely spot-on as you see and feel the research behind it with the tone and setting being accurate. I can absolutely see that some may think this read dragged a little as there was no major conflict and some unnecessary details, but I ate up every extra page and paragraph. I felt no issues with it personally.

“And I don’t think I could have a single thought about you that’s wasted.”

I loved Mark and Eddie with all of my heart. The main characters were flawed and a tad broken but so lovely. Cat Sebastin fed us the sunshine x grump (aka golden retriever and black cat) trope in the best way, and their little tender moments made me squeal in delight and keep wanting more.

I look forward to reading many more works by CS soon!

P.s. I would instantly fall in love with someone who asked me to borrow my annotated books and then called me to talk all about it hehehe.

Would I recommend this and to who:
I know this book won’t be for everyone, but I think everyone should give it a chance. Our main characters are easily loveable, and I believe most will be surprised with how much they will end up enjoying it.
Cover thoughts:
So freaking cute!


“You usually take interview subjects out for milkshakes?” … “Only the handsome ones.”

‘Mark had been laughing along with him. Mark can’t remember the last time he laughed here.’

‘Eddie stealing glances at Mark’s mouth and Mark doing the same thing, and the fact that they aren’t kissing is taking up more space than any kiss possibly could.’

“I’ve been watching all your games.”

‘It’s not like he forgot what Mark looks like, He doesn’t think he could. He doesn’t think anyone could.’

“I thought you were beautiful! I couldn’t believe how beautiful you were.”

“I can’t stop thinking about you.”

‘He feels like an idiot, but Mark’s laughing, and he’d be okay with feeling like an idiot all the time as long as it made Mark laugh like that.'

“Mark, you’re not going to ruin my life. You’re the person I want to build my life around.”

“You’re lovely.”

“I will go literally anywhere you go.”

“So–tonight, should I call you at your number or mine? I mean–ours?” “Ours,” Mark says. “Call me at ours.”

Grief, Sexual content, Homophobia, Death, Abandonment, Alcohol, Racism, Medical content, Ableism, Mental Illness, etc.