A review by karen_the_baroness
A Treasure to Die For by Terry Ambrose


A Treasure to Die For by Terry Ambrose has Rick Atwood trying to shelter Alex from investigating a mysterious death at their bed and breakfast. 

Will Rick save the reputation of his bed and breakfast? Can he keep Alex from investigating? 

Rick and Alex Atwood 
Rick Atwood is a young father trying to make the bed and breakfast work while raising his ten-year-old daughter. He inherited the bed and breakfast from his grandfather and changed coasts. He changes coasts to give Alex a slower life style than the always busy New York life. Rick has been running the bed and breakfast for a while now when his latest guests show up, and he isn't too sure about them. Granted, I wouldn't be either, as these people are snobs. The change probably was also so Alex wouldn't grow up around him being a crime reporter anymore as well. I have to say that I love to see Rick not wanting to investigate but still ends up helping when he sees that the deputy needs help. I like Rick as he wants what is best for his only child, and he wants Alex to live a life without being near crimes, unlike his crime reporter job that he retired from back in New York. 

Alex Atwood is ten years old and loves life on the Pacific coast. She is trying not to upset her dad, except she loves problem solving and figures her dad needs help with solving the mystery. I love Alex here since she isn't quite the character I know yet, and I can see the building blocks that Mr. Ambrose has started, even from the beginning of how he wanted Alex to be. 

The Mystery
Eight friends show up at the bed and breakfast to try to find the San Manuel ship that supposedly ran aground somewhere off the coast of Seaside Cove. All seven "friends" disliked the victim, and as things started to unravel once he was gone, I fell for every red herring. I dismissed the actual killer because he wasn't that involved in the mystery like the others. Well played, Mr. Ambrose! 

Five Stars 
A Treasure to Die For by Terry Ambrose is the start of a beautiful series that helped shape the characters into how they are in the books I started with in this series. I love how innocent Alex seems while also wanting to help her dad with investigating despite the dangers it could lead to. I also like to see how the Atwoods act around Marquetta before anything unfolds for them. Mr. Ambrose did a great job on this book. 

I am giving A Treasure to Die For by Terry Ambrose five stars, and I highly recommend it. 

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of A Treasure to Die For by Terry Ambrose

Until the next time, 
Karen the Baroness 

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