A review by wrentheblurry
Juliet, Naked by Nick Hornby


Here we have an obsessed music geek, his 'I'm wasting my life being in this relationship' partner, and the recovering alcoholic, absent father who decades ago wrote the album that the music geek adores. Hornby fleshes out the characters well enough, and there are only a few of them, which helped me get into the story. It's an easy read, and I also got a clear picture of the seaside town in which two of the characters live.

What kept it from being an even better book, for me, is the pace, and the lack of resolution. Not a lot happens externally. Internally, much inner musing and soul-searching and other things occurs. Yet suddenly, the book is over, and the ending felt a bit too slapped on. If you're a big Hornby fan, you might love it.