A review by khornstein1
Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel


Ms. Wurtzel, where was your editor? Where are all the editors? Long-winded, meandering, unnecessary info., strange sense of a timeline...I could go on. But somehow with all that, what struck me about this book was honesty. I never felt that Wurtzel presented herself as anyone other than who she was: smart, scared, suicidal,depressed and brilliant. And funny at the same time! She makes some really bad choices...I read this after reading her essay in NYMag a year or two ago about how she had made bad choices nearly all of her adult life. But here she is, trapped in something that is completely bewildering and the fact that she just kind of goes for trying to describe it, I find amazing. It's not art and it's not a journal. It's just very, very honest.