A review by brii_brii
Echoes of Time by Calia Read


My first thoughts after finishing this and looking back on it, are that it really did not need to be so long. It was unnecessarily long. While a lot of things did happen in this book, there was an equal amount of filler thrown in. There were also 5 different POVs in this book, and I didn't find them all to be needed, again, it just felt like filler. 
I did enjoy this one more than the last as it felt like it had a lot more to it, but overall I didn't enjoy my experience with it. The plot itself was simple, predictable and therefore boring to me. I wasn't excited to see where it was going or what happened to any of the characters and quite frankly, I didn't really care to read about them anymore by the end. 

At no point in this series did I feel any kind of chemistry between Serene and Etienne. Well, that's not totally true, maybe in book one when they were starting to get to know one another there was a spark. But that is it. No chemistry, such boring banter, if you can even call it that, and this excessive need to possess one another that went too far in my opinion. 
I never felt love. Their romance never felt real to me, so that's probably why I struggled with this one so much.  

Now the other 3 female characters that were done so, so wrong. 
Nat. She deserved so much better with the men in her life, including her asshat brothers who assume that she's just a fragile woman who can't handle anything. I hate how weakly she was portrayed.
Old Serene. This poor woman was just trying to live her best life until New Serene just comes in and quite literally pushes her out of existence. Seriously what the shit. Why were her POVs even included? I'll never understand.
I FEEL for Scarlett. Etienne used her to move on with his life and proposed to her even though he had zero feelings for her and then just abandoned her when Serene came back. She had EVERY right to be upset. Pretty sure there's a good chance I might reach the same way she did if I was treated that way. 

I need more Livingston. This entire series I was just praying for more glimpses of him. He's probably the only character I actually connected with. I'll miss him. No one else.