A review by bargainsleuth
The Beantown Girls by Jane Healey


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Amazon had a special on this book last month. It was only a couple bucks, and so was the audio book, so I couldn't resist. It was money well spent. I listened to the audio book at work this past week.

Fiona Denning of Boston and several other young ladies from her city have joined the Red Cross during World War II. Her plan is to help out, for sure, but also find out what happened when her fiancé, Danny, who was reported missing after being shot down in Germany.

Fiona becomes a Red Cross Clubmobile woman, and has her two best friends by her side. Viviana is a former secretary who was all too happy to explore the world, and Dottie, a music teacher who is really shy about her gifts. They raise morale for the troops by providing donuts and coffee or tea to the troops.

And of course, there are many men that the Beantown Girls meet, some more interesting than others. There's a Cary Grant lookalike, a Clark Gable lookalike, and a boxer, who is really kind and shy at heart.

It is hard for Fionna sometimes, trying to focus on her work and wondering when, if ever, she could get stationed in Germany to further her search for Danny. But now there's the added complication that she's developed feelings for Peter, the boxer and serviceman.

The women live in somewhat the same condition as the soldiers, living in tents, eating rations, bombs going off nearby, being homesick for "Beantown." There's sadness when someone they knew dies, but there is plenty of joy to go around, too, like when Glenn Miller's orchestra performs for the troops.

In the final days of the war, the Clubmobile with the Beantown Girls lands itself in Germany as POW camps are liberated. Finally, Fionna gets some answers about Danny. I have to say I totally saw the ending coming, but what do you expect from a historical novel with a little romance?