A review by skylarkblue1
Marionette by Antonia Rachel Ward


NSFW review for an NSFW book

Thank you to Netgalley for an e-ARC in return for an honest review!

Trigger warnings (please take these seriously): non consentual sex, dubious consentual sex, mutilation, murder, violence, abuse, female objectification, sexism, demonising sex workers.

Do I need to say much more than the trigger warnings?

This book is just filled with "woman are just whores", basically every single sex scene is essentially non-consentual, and because its so short in the couple times when it does start to redeem itself (a female character saying something other than "haha sex" for example) it just very quickly brushes past it.

The main "romance" (despite 90% being of non or dubious consent..) is also questionable as the man is shown to be sexist and have a massive issue of saviour complex and can't help following his dick despite knowing something isn't right. If you know something isn't right and you don't think the other person is fully there mentally, whether spirit's are involved or not, don't whip your cock out!

I didn't think fifty shades could be topped as the most abusive and disturbing book in terms of sex/romance/etc. This also isn't an erotica. It's a paranormal horror book set in a brothel/strip club with prostitutes/slaves.. (?). It's got sex, but also at the same time I don't really want to count how many times the word "flesh" was used as a descriptor. The sex scenes where also all incredibly brief, only a paragraph or 2 for the most part.

I think my main thought after reading this is really, are the straights ok?