A review by ficklefever
The Boyfriend List: 15 Guys, 11 Shrink Appointments, 4 Ceramic Frogs and Me, Ruby Oliver by E. Lockhart


There is no better word for The Boyfriend List than ADDICTING. No matter how many times I read and reread and rereread this book, I find myself falling in love over and over again. Ruby is such a fun, lovable MC who I'm sure many teenage girls can connect with. E. Lockhart has a way with words (and footnotes) as she explores the complex and confusing relationship between boys and girls. Friendship? Romance? Backstabbing? Yup, yup, yup... and then some.

I'm not gonna lie, I honestly hate when books cause conflicting emotions. Half the time I wanted to giggle like a silly schoolgirl; the other half, I wanted to wail and whine like a silly schoolgirl. Not to mention the fact that this book contains lots and lots of BOYS. Cute boys, hot boys, nice boys, dorky boys, odd boys, taken boys, imaginary boys, out-of-league boys -- Lockhart has included them all. And trust me when I say I'm a sucker for fictional males. (Key word: fictional. Augh, if only real guys could be half as hunky.)

Crap. Why is it so hard to review books I love? And TBL is definitely a book I love. A recommended read to anyone who loves fun, hilarious, heartbreaking, fluffy YA rom-com.