A review by rickklaw
Nomads by Sylvain Runberg, Serge Pelle


(This is a combined review of Orbital, Vol. 3: Nomads and [b:Orbital, Vol. 4: Ravages|11548443|Ravages Orbital Vol. 4|Sylvain Runberg|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51B9a1p0JwL._SL75_.jpg|16488237])

Just prior to the celebrations marking the end of the Human-Sandjarr wars, an incident occurs between Malaysian fisherman and the nomadic alien species Rapakhun. The Human Caleb and Sandjarr Mezoke, security heads for the big event, must defuse the tense situation before it shatters the newly found peace. Though this story encompasses volumes 3 and 4 of the Orbital series, no prior knowledge of the previous books is required to enjoy this exciting tale. Pellé's delicate, Euro-art shines with its simplicity. He focuses on the important details, choosing to center on the story rather than showcasing his prodigious talents. Runberg clearly and intelligently details the complex alien interactions, while never talking down to his audience. Orbital delivers the all-too-rare comics combination of humanist and alien encounter fiction wrapped in a package of beauty and quality.