A review by katy10
From the Embers by Aly Martinez


It was a decent read-
So the first couple of chapters gave an insight to the sinking of Eason and Jessica’s wife due to financial reasons. In the meantime, we are introduced to Bree and her husband with 2 kids. Both couples have very young kids and boom ! A fire alters the life of Eason and Bree dramatically!! Both of them lose their respective partners to the fire. And from their onwards, the story unravels how they deal with all of it with 3 children- emotionally and financially.
Initially, the kids were a bit boring to read about and I won’t lie- I found myself skimming a few paragraphs here and there. I just wasn’t enjoying the information or maybe just wasn’t in the mood ?! Idk buttt the love story picked up from the 37% threshold ?