A review by amberunmasked
The Geek Feminist Revolution by Kameron Hurley


My complete review including quotes is posted at http://www.amberunmasked.com/geek-feminist-rev-hurley/

I’ll be upfront that I have never read any fiction by Kameron Hurley. I follow her on Twitter and love her blog, http://www.kameronhurley.com/. I’ve always loved how honest she is about life, business, and emotions. Her newest book, The Geek Feminist Revolution, is all about that. She calls out the bullshit of how women/NB are expected to earn less, get offered worse deals, and suffer with harassment.

She is brutally honest about how hard she has worked since a teenager to become a writer, a full-time job which still requires her to maintain a full-time day job. Professional rejections and abusive personal relationships are exposed in raw detail.

Pain is not something she avoids discussing. If you expect a book from a self-help shelf filled with vapid, cheerleading cliches, this is not the book for you. Hurley tells you that you will fail, but more specifically, that if you don’t learn from failure, writing (or creative life) is not your passion because failure is part of the dream.

One of the subjects Hurley addresses throughout the book is body image and beauty standards. She’s absolutely done with heroes being defined as white, male, muscular saviors. But Hurley doesn’t stop there. She’s a woman who speaks at conventions and has a reputable internet footprint. One section of The Geek Feminist Revolution is even titled “Public Speaking While Fat.”

It’s with no surprise that when I was only a quarter way through the book, I had already recommended it on Instagram, Twitter, and to a close personal friend. De-program yourself from your insecurities, from society’s bullshit standards, and sit your ass in the chair to get your work done when you’re healthy enough to do it because no one else can tell your story.

She does into specific geek media and references throughout the book if you were curious why "geek" is in the title.