A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
A Goose Girl: A Retelling of The Goose Girl by K.M. Shea


I've been reading quite a lot of Goose Girl retellings already and yet I still can't get enough of them. And that's mostly because it feels like this tale is made to be retold, reshaped and remixed. There are so many details you can twist and change. There are so many angles you can use to tell this story. And after reading Shea's Snow Queen retelling I was quite curious about her take on it!

From the very start the novella did not disappoint. I really loved that in this case it isn't the servant girl taking the princess' place just because she's jealous and wants a life of luxury and being pampered. In this case it's simply the princess wanting to be free to follow her dreams. And of course she has no idea what she's actually doing and therefore everything goes wrong.

I have to admit that the romance in this novel goes incredibly fast. As a reader it's hard to form a connection with the love interest, for reasons I can not explain in this reviews, and therefore the heartfelt declarations of love feel a little instant and sudden. However, since the romance is not a big part of the story it also didn't bother me too much.

I simply enjoyed how Shea managed to keep the core of the story and also included as many elements of the original tale as possible, while it still feels like she tells a new and original story. There are quite a few surprises waiting for the reader and even though the story is only short it still has surprisingly much politics and scheming in it!