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A review by susanscribs
Something Human by A.J. Demas


It took me a while to get into this book, primarily because it was difficult at first to reconcile the ancient setting (fantasy version of Britain during the fall of the Roman Empire) with the very contemporary dialogue of the two MCs. But once I got into the flow, I really enjoyed it. Adares and Rus are technically enemies, but from the first scene when they save either other's lives in the aftermath of deadly battle, they work together to survive. They are friends first for long time, primarily due to Rus' position as a chaste holy man in his kingdom, but that just makes the love story better because the sexual tension builds with every interaction. The romance is both sweet and saucy (Rus has tattoos EVERYWHERE), and it isn't difficult to believe that the men are in love after only a few days together. The HEA lost a few sparkle points
when Adares admitted he couldn't remain faithful if they weren't living in the same city
, but overall a very enjoyable read. I hope the author will continue to explore this genre.