A review by impybelle
The Legend of the Shark Goddess: A Nanea Mystery by Juliana Kolesova, Erin Falligant


Nanea's mystery takes place not too long after her 'classic' stories. David's gone off to train for the war, Dad's still working overnights, and Nanea is still trying to convince her grandparents she's mature enough to run the cash register at their store.

Amidst all this, Nanea runs into a mysterious boy named Mano who always seems to show up right before things disappear, be it at her grandparent's market or even their home. When things of sentimental value disappear, Nanea decides to crack the case.

I'm not the market for the mysteries (or the regular books) but I enjoy reading them anyway. Nanea's is one of those where she'll wind up accusing just about everyone of something at some point, though to be fair she doesn't actually say so aloud to most of the suspects. Nanea learns to trust people again and that not all secrets are bad, even in war time.