A review by loveisnotatriangle
When She Reigns by Jodi Meadows


WHEN SHE REIGNS is the final installment in Jodi Meadows’ FALLEN ISLES trilogy. Below are 5 my favorite things about this book, and the series overall:

1) Mira and the dragons – I looooovvvveee Mira’s connection to the dragons and how that manifests in this book. I want my own Lala!

2) Mira and Aaru – I adore their slow and sweet relationship and the way that they are always, always supportive of each other. Their relationship continues to build here in the most delicious way. No love triangle at all!

3) Mira and her friends – What an amazing support network Mira has built through this series, and I love so much the ways in which their individual strengths come out in this story as they support Mira and work together towards their goals. I also came to appreciate her sister and mother more than I thought that I would.

4) Mira and the world – Mira’s world continues to expand through this story, I really enjoyed learning even more about her lands and also the world at large, even as things become more tense and dire. I’ll have to say that I have a lot of questions about some of the people she meets in this story.

5) Mira – This girl has made such a transformation from when we met her in the first book. She has been imprisoned and beaten down, but has gotten back up again and again, and will do whatever it takes for her people and her friends and her dragons. Mira goes on a journey in this book – both physically and mentally – and she had me gripping the edge of my seat and wanting to cover my eyes at times, but I couldn’t wait to see what she would do next and how much she’d accomplish.

WHEN SHE REIGNS is a race against time as the islands that make up Mira and her friends’ homes rise, and the gods abandon their people. Everything is uncertain, even their lives. I had no idea what would happen at the end of this book, but it is a conclusion that is worth every bit of the journey to get there.

Don’t miss this stunning series!