A review by starship_olympus
The First Dragon by James A. Owen


Mr. Owen has led me into a world of imagination, wonder, and magic that has enchanted me for years. I was hesitant at first to read the first of the series "Here There be Dragons" but was hooked immediately with the first illustration. I was elated when the second came out, and devoured the rest.
I was unable to buy "The First Dragon" when it was released unfortunately, but the very moment I had money (Christmas) I was determined to possess it.
I was as afraid to read this novel as I was with the first--I didn't want the journey Mr. Owen had taken me on to ever end--and with what he's taught me it truly hasn't.
I truly wish I could discuss the parts of this novel that I enjoyed (which happens to be every bit of it) and that parts that I did not (mostly because I wish they were longer and more drawn out) but what I truly want to say is that James A. Owen has been touched by the magic he has written about for years. It has touched me more deeply than anything has--excluding C.S. Lewis's Narnia series (What drew me deeper into his novels, honestly) and I cannot thank him enough. As I closed the book, and 8 wonderful years of my life, I couldn't believe it. I was rather "numb" in the most amazing way and I cannot thank Mr. Owen enough. I can only hope that I may be able to thank him in person for teaching me the proper way to see world.
"Believing is Seeing".